Towards the end of 2012 I started reading Emma Scrivener’s blog A New Name and found it hugely encouraging, informative and thought-provoking. I then started to subscribe to a few other blogs, by New Year, I was wondering if I could write my own blog, adding to this blog which has been so quiet over the years. Well it didn’t happen. At church last sunday we were taught that lent is about giving up or taking up, a still small voice within me said – Blog, so here I am, attempting to blog every day through lent, and then hopefully continue some pattern of blogging after lent.

I am also re-attempting to read The way of the desert by Andrew Watson (Bishop of Aston) – its brilliant, really nicely written, but I just didn’t manage to stick the 40 days last year.

What are you doing for lent?

It’s a bit late but you could

I’d love to hear how you are drawing closer to God this lent and changing your community.